Dispelling Two Yoga Myths You May Believe

Exercising is one of the most important things that a person can do for their health. However, many people are not attracted to exercise that involves intensive cardiovascular or strength conditioning. For these individuals, yoga instruction may be the perfect solution. Yet, this field of exercise is often very misunderstood, which can lead to people believing common misconceptions about this ancient form of conditioning. In particular, you may believe that the following two myths are true. 

Myth: Yoga Is Only For Improving Flexibility

There is a common misconception that yoga is only intended to help a person loosen their muscles and improve flexibility. While these are indeed goals of these exercises, there are other benefits that can come from this type of conditioning. For example, holding the various positions that yoga requires contributes to improved muscle conditioning. Also, yoga places tremendous emphasis on breathing patterns, which can help individuals learn to better manage their stress levels. 

Like any form of exercise, it can take several weeks to months before you start to notice visible benefits from this type of exercise. However, you will likely start to notice an improvement in your mood and stress levels after only a few yoga lessons. 

Myth: All Yoga Classes Are The Same

Another widely held belief is that yoga classes are all the same, but this is extremely far from the truth. Yoga is an ancient tradition, and as such, there has been enough time for numerous different schools of yoga practice to emerge. From ones that emphasize the mental benefits of this practice to those that advocate the physical conditioning benefit, there is likely a form of yoga that is right for your needs. However, you will likely need to attend lessons from a variety of styles before you decide on one that you find particularly enjoyable. 

It should be noted that there are some types of yoga where a doctor's recommendation is advised. This is particularly true for hot yoga because the practitioners will be in a room that is heated to an extremely high temperature. This can cause individuals with certain health conditions to experience severe complications, but your doctor will be able let you know if this is a serious risk for you. 

Pursuing yoga practice can be an excellent way of balancing your mind while also improving your health. However, this ancient technique is largely misunderstood by many people, but dispelling these two widely held yoga myths should help you to better appreciate the diverse benefits that these classes can bring you. 
