Exercising: Is There A Better Time Of Day To Go To The Gym?

If you've ever driven by the gym, you have likely noticed that there are people there at all times of the day and night (assuming it is a 24-hour gym). If you're interested in joining a boot camp class at your local gym, you may be trying to determine the best time of day to go. According to research, you may need to start getting up super early for optimal results from your workout.

Wait…Why Early Morning? Can't You Sleep In?

Well, it appears that your body is in what is known as a fasted state. In other words, there is nothing in your stomach because all the food and beverages that were consumed before you went to bed the night before have been fully digested. Apparently, this state helps promote the burning of more fat rather than simple calories that you've recently consumed. This is particularly helpful if your diet consists of more fats than normal, according to research mentioned below.

Study Says Zero Weight Gain for Participants.

A group of scientists decided to conduct an experiment to prove their theories regarding early morning workouts. In this study, the group of male participants ate 30 percent more calories and 50 percent additional fat over the course of six weeks. The group was split into three groups with one group remaining inactive, one group exercising prior to breakfast and one group exercising after consuming breakfast.

At the end of the study, the inactive group had indeed gained weight. In addition, more fat cells were added to their muscles and they had developed a resistance to insulin. The same was true for the group of men who exercised after breakfast, except the weight gain and insulin resistance wasn't as severe. For the group of male participants who exercised before eating, they did not gain any weight, had no issues with insulin levels and burned more calories as the day went on.

Is This Method of Weight Loss Safe?

As with any new fitness and diet program, it is recommended to speak to your family doctor about the pros and cons in regard to your specific situation and medical history. However, the healthiest way to shed some unwanted pounds is by combining a healthy diet with a physician-approved fitness program, which may or may not be a boot camp class, depending on your current level of health. Your doctor may be able to recommend some workouts based on your physical condition. You could also see a personal trainer at a place like Mack's Hybrid Fitness LLC, where an expert can help you make a custom workout routine.
