How To Keep The Right Attitude When Tackling Weight Loss

Weight loss is an undertaking that many people struggle with. A person's body naturally resists losing weight because it almost always prefers to stay at the higher weight and will do anything it can to make sure that a reduced number of calories does not cause it to lose mass. This can cause you to plateau in your weight loss and make it difficult to continue sticking to a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Here are some ways that you can maintain your attitude and motivation when tackling weight loss.

1. Make Little Goals and Celebrate When You Meet Them

If you decide that you need to lose 50 pounds and will only celebrate when you meet your goal, you might manage to lose 20 pounds, plateau, and go back to drinking pop every day, gaining all of the weight back and then some within the month. You don't want this. Instead, you need to set little goals. Celebrate every week that you stay on your meal plan. Celebrate every five pounds that you lose. Celebrate when you manage to meet your goal of going to the gym a certain number of times a week. Celebrate when you are able to lift a larger amount of weight than before.

Doing all of these things will help ensure that you keep yourself motivated. You don't want to celebrate with food. Instead, treat yourself to things that make you feel good, such as going to see a movie the day it comes out, going to the spa, or simply taking some time for yourself by going to the beach when you would ordinarily be doing the dishes. 

2. Don't Think in Black and White

Next, you are going to need to let go of your black and white mindset. This means that you need to let go of the mindset of "oh, I overate during lunch today. I guess it doesn't matter if I overeat during dinner too" or "I skipped a day at the gym. What's the point of going all week?" These are self-sabotaging thoughts. Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Don't give up on your healthier goals simply because you had a bad day.

3. Make a List of Reasons Why You Are Trying to Lose Weight and Post Them All Over the House, Especially in the Kitchen and By Your Gym Bag

Finally, make a list of all of the reasons why you are trying to lose weight, including being able to walk up the stairs without getting winded, being able to chase after your kids, or being able to play ultimate Frisbee at an upcoming college reunion without hurting yourself. Then, post these reasons all over the house. Start with posting them in problem areas, such as kitchen cabinets that hold junk food, freezers that hold ice cream, and your gym bag. This will help you stay motivated.

For more information, talk to a physician weight loss center like Figure Weight Loss.
