Natural Weight Loss Ideas For Overweight Baby Boomers

It is estimated that 35.4 percent of baby boomers, over the age of 60 years, are obese. In fact, it is reported that there are 72 percent of men and 65 percent of women, over 65 years, whose body mass indices put them at either overweight or obese. This is expected to put increasing strain on health care as more baby boomers succumb to lifestyle diseases associated with weighing more and you could end up spending an average of $2,741 more per year on medical expenses than your more normal weight peers. If you fall into this group, you may need to take steps to improve the quality of your life as well as reduce the possible increased costs associated with retirement and health care by seeking ways to help to reduce your weight. 

However, with concerns on current medications being taken as well as the type of disease your might already have, here are a few suggestions on some natural remedies to aid in losing weight. 

Spice it up

One of the spices that can be of benefit in your weight loss plan efforts is that of black pepper. While it is often only used as a spice to add to your food, it actually has much more helpful weight loss properties. In fact black pepper has been attributed with the ability to help remove uric acid with fat through the urine helping to ensure that your urine contains 4 percent fat. This is especially true if the outer layer of the black peppercorn is used as this helps to break down fatty acids for use or removal from the body. In addition to this, black pepper is reported to aid in digestion which helps to control weight and regulate bowel movement. 

If you have suffered from any illness, such as a stroke, that makes it difficult to swallow, the black pepper oil has been found to naturally stimulate the swallowing reflex. Black pepper oil is also estimated to assist with inhibiting the enzymes which break down starch into glucose and can help to regulate blood sugar. This is especially helpful for those baby boomers who are among the 11.8 million diabetic seniors.  

Get back to basic

Coconut oil was once a well used oil until the 1970's and 80's when it was lumped with all other saturated fats and but away for helping to cause obesity. However, it has since been found that rather than being harmful, coconut oil was actually quite helpful in burning calories. Coconut oil is also quite helpful in suppressing appetite, helps to raise energy levels and boosts metabolism. As part of the natural diet plan, it can be used in place of other vegetable oils and even interchanged with olive oil for its health benefits.

While using coconut oil is not going to directly cause you to lose weight, adding it to your diet can help to give you the energy to become more active and therefore start to shed the pounds. The use of coconut oil is also suggested to help regulate and possibly prevent type-2 diabetes in older adults and can help prevent the dreaded build-up of fat in the midsection, which is prone to happen during this age.
